Everly is One! | Atlanta Georgia Family Photographer

A little over a year ago, I was taking maternity pictures for Becca and Jeff as they anticipated Everly’s arrival. This week, we returned to the same spot to capture pictures celebrating her first birthday.

I am obsessed with every single image from their shoot, and if it wasn’t super creepy, I would plaster them all over my own house. But it IS creepy, so I won’t. Just know I want to. Happy first birthday, sweet Everly! I can’t wait to see what year two has in store for your curious, spunky, little life. :)

Perfect family.

Sometimes, Mom and Dad’s love can just be a little much. ;)


Becca just “threw together” this flower crown for Everly on the way to their session. From flowers from their yard. Yeah, she’s that type of wife/mom that makes you feel a little less than domestic. Haha.

Yes, those blue eyes are real.

If you can’t tell, this girl really loves her Mom and Dad.

I was melting at this point.

Two things: lashes and baby rolls.
These are a few of my favorite things.

Then it was time to party!
Everly wore her great-grandmother’s pearls to celebrate. How sweet is that?!

This cake was another win for domestic goddess Becca.

Get it, girl!

She will never even be able to fathom how loved she is.

Again, just perfect.

Happy Friday, friends! :)